Alarms Sound FX Pack 1 is a set of digital alarm sounds created to enhance your game and bring the gamer experience to another level.
Free sample pack here: Preview:
-high quality sounds created from award winning synths
-A wide range of sounds fitting different alarm sizes from small to large to sirens
-A total of 80+ different alarms
-75+ Looped alarm sounds at varying speeds
-80+ Single alarm sounds at varying speeds
-300 + Sound files that you can import directly into your project
-35 Bonus Alarms not included in the Sci-Fi UI Sound FX Pack a complete breakdown of the assets list at the following link:***PLEASE NOTE THAT ALARMS SOUND FX PACK 1 IS INCLUDED IN THE SCI-FI UI SOUND PACK WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE 35 BONUS ALARMS***
The Sci-Fi UI Sound Pack can be found here: