Game ready Animated Medieval Ballista and his idle and his broken versions.
.PBS materials.
Can be turned horizontally and vertically using appropriate named bones.
1. Ballista: 1483 polygons, 1703 vertexes, 2881 triangles.
2. Ballista Destroyed: 1598 polygons, 1787 vertexes, 3101 triangles.
3. Ballista Animated: 1483 polygons, 1703 vertexes, 2881 triangles.
4. 1 Bolt: 22 polygons, 21 vertexes, 38 triangles.
PreviewRig has 13 bones.
1) Ballista_idle: 0 - 1 fr.,
2) Ballista_loading: 1 - 45 fr.,
3) Ballista_Loaded: 45 - 46 fr.,
4) Ballista_shot: 46 - 65 fr.,
Textures are in .TIF file format. (diffuse, normals and specular) 2048x2948.