Circular Gravity Force allows you to easily manipulate physics in Unity 3D with no code required.
CGF 5 Features Include:
- Full 3D/2D Support
- Four Different Physics Shapes: Sphere, Box, Capsule, and Raycast
- Six Different Force Types: Force at Point, Force, Torque, Explosion Force, Gravitational Attraction, Velocity, and Angular Velocity
- Five Different Force Modes: Force, Impulse, Velocity Change, Acceleration, Lerp Velocity
- Emit Force from Closest Collider allowing you to pick the shape of the force.
- Velocity Damping and Angular Velocity Damping
- Effects Like Align to Force and No Gravity
- Non-Alloc Physics Support
- Version 5 Demo Scenes MainMenu, Car v2, Hovercraft v2, Marble
- Version 1-4 Demo Scenes Car, Car 2D, FPS, Hand, Hovercraft, Menu, Pinart, Planets, Planets 2D, Rocket, Rocket 2D, Vortex, Vortex 2D, Homing, and Pivot.
- GameObject, Tag, Layer, and Bounds, and Physical Materials filtering
- Events/SendMessage Avalible for CGF
- High Performance and Low Memory
- Fully Customized GUI, Gizmos, and Handles for CGF objects
- Full Source Code
- No DLLs
CGF makes it incredibly easy to create and invent cars, rockets, explosions, cannons, magnets, vortexes, hovercars, planets... the possibilities are endless! The demo's and tutorials show just how easy and powerful this package can be.