Combu is a full featured solution for the back-end of your game or app, in only 3 steps you will add online features using your web server and MySQL database.
- Server auto-updater in web administration- Multiple Apps on the same database (games-hub)
- Player registration, login and global/app-scope custom data (with or without activation code by email)
- Ban IP address or addresses range
- Player inventory storage (with custom data)
- Player files upload/download (i.e.: screenshots, settings, serialized XML/JSON, etc and share with other users)
- Friends/Ignore list management
- Customizable Leaderboards
- Customizable Achievements
- Private and public Messages between users
- News for in-game articles and release notes
- Management of Tournaments and Matches
- Shipped with an administration web app
The package works right out of the box for most games (any edition of Unity, any platform supported), but you can also easily extend it for your custom features: all source code is provided, both server and client, and full documented.
The security has been hugely improved in Combu 3 with RSA+AES keys handshaking and data encryption, click here to read more.
Multiple Apps System: you can now host multiple apps on the same database sharing the player accounts and optionally also Leaderboards, Achievements and News.
Read the release notes of Combu 3.
See also the official add-ons for Combu and other stuff from Skared Creations, click here.
You can also create your own add-ons (and sell on Asset Store to other Combu customers), learn here how to do.