Bring dynamic damage and destruction to your enemies with Damage FX PBR Shaders!
Damage FX WebGL DemoTested with Mozilla Firefox and Google ChromeEasy to adapt to any weapon type and specific requirements starting with simple dirt splats, bullet holes, explosion breaches and laser guns on the surface of any mesh.
You are in control for points size, dirt mask, heat and edge glow, clip and vertex displacement.
The effect is scale independent and works on any surface. A convex or regular Mesh Collider is required to capture impact points, and also by providing local space coordinates directly into the shader.
This package can be customized with the
Amplify Shader EditorThe Amplify Shader Editor provides an unlimited customization options by reusing the Damage FX Function, which blends perfectly within the existing node framework.
Skinned meshes with animations are not supported. Any other animation will work out of the box.
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