Ever wish you could see all the vertex, normal, and triangle data for a mesh within Unity? Ever wish you could nudge a vertex and see what it looked like? Now you can! The Mesh Viewer editor window acts like the Maya Component Editor, showing you the position of every vertex, each UV coordinate, triangle indices, vertex colors, and all other available mesh data.
Using native Unity GUI, each field is editable and the results are visible instantly in the Unity Editor. You can also use the topology drop-down to quickly change topologies in case you want a quad-based mesh or a point cloud.
-Just drag a GameObject into the field in the upper-right and you'll see vertex data immediately
-Super helpful for debugging procedurally-created meshes (this is why the tool was originally created).
-Works with meshes contained in MeshFilters, Skinned Mesh Renderers, and Mesh Colliders
-Range slider allows you to view data in chunks large or small (with a maximum limit to keep the editor from slowing down)
-Supports Vertices, Normals, Tangents, Indices, UVs, UV2s, Colors, BoneWeights, BindPoses, and Bones (some not shown in screenshot because they are not available in the Sphere mesh)
-Supports Point, Line, LineStrip, Triangle, and Quad topologies
Note: Mesh Viewer is for preview/debug purposes only. It does not save your changes into the file and changes will be lost when re-loading the mesh
Full code and documentation on Unify Community
MeshViewer page.