NovAR-15 Nova Sound presents
NovAR-15. This sound library consists of
92 high fidelity recordings of semi-automatic rifle gun fire, loading and handling. Inspired by first-person-shooter and war games.
92 Sound FX - 48k 24bit Wav. Stereo Nova, AR, 15, AR15, Rifle, Sporting, Sport, Assault, Gun, Guns, Shot, Shoot, Shooter, Shot, Weapon, Fire, Arm, FireArm, Bullet, 9mm, 223, 556, Ammo, Bullets, Rounds, War, Rifles, Long, Range, GunRange, Semi, Auto, Automatic, Out, Hand, GunFire, Flame, Rapid, Load, Cock, Zip, Slide, Metal, Clank, Klank,
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