Pmurph03 This plant pack currently includes 96 PBR ready plant meshes, with a total of 11 different plant varieties.
Version 4.0 Includes:
-11 unique plant varieties
-96 static plant meshes
-96 skinned plant meshes for rigidbody joint physics
-11 PBR Materials (albedo, normal, metal/roughness, and AO maps
-4096x4096 texture resolution for all textures
-22 to 384 polygons per plant mesh
-Custom wind-zone script for use with skinned plants-Editor window script to easily adjust rigidbody and joint parametersLatest Update added: -Custom wind-zone script for skinned plants-Editor window script for easy adjustment of rigidbody and configurable joint parameters of skinned plants.-Documentation for use of scripts and other common questionsQuestions? Comments? Requests? Please contact me: