Coffee ProtoSave Game Save and Serialization offers a secure alternative to PlayerPrefs game saving and a lightweight, easy to use Serialization method for all of your game objects and data.
REQUIRES Unity 2017+ (.NET 3.5+ support more specifically)
* Usable on all Platforms
* Built on Google Protobuf C# and comes with a full User Guide with Examples, Best Practices and Frameworks to help you Serialize all of your necessary game data.
* Secure alternative to PlayerPrefs Game Saves.
* Serialize and save all of your game data in a format that can be sent over any Transport layer.
* Full Demo Project example to test the Serialization and Saving/Loading in realtime.
* Demo to let you try to edit your save file to see what happens when users try to cheat in your game.
Try the ProtoSave Demo at
CoffeeBns ProtoSave Demo