Rubble and Debris - Modular SetThe contents are set in a realistic setting and are made with current and next gen in mind with each piece
coming complete with several LOD levels and lightmap UVs to fit every project.
Set Specifications:
-Support for HDRP/URP
-11 Standalone rubble piles
-50 Standalone debris pieces
-4 Tiled textures with Height Maps
-Concrete/Bricks/Blocks/Mixed style types
-4K PBR textures
-Compatible and optimized for mobile games
-Highest LOD setting per piece averages at 3k-4k triangles
-4 LOD levels per rubble pile piece at 100/66/33/10 percentages
-2 LOD levels per standalone debris piece
-Collision for each piece
-2nd UV channel is included in each piece for lightmap baking
We are happy to provide you with any assistance at loknarstudio@gmail.comJoin our Discord channel for any questions