When you want to localize your game into various languages, Unity provides the
Application.systemLanguage property.
But what do you do when that doesn't provide you enough information? Does the user prefer British English over US English? French as spoken in Canada or France? Devices can offer you this information, but Unity unfortunately does not expose it.
In comes the Babelfish. If you want full information on which languages (yes, plural) your user prefers, Babelfish Language Detection is for you.
It provides you with a list of all languages, in the order of preference that your user has configured their device with. Modern operating systems, both on mobile and desktop allow one to specify multiple languages of preference. Let's face it, there are plenty of multilingual people around, and you want to give them the best user experience you can give, right?
With Babelfish Language Detection you can offer your users the right UX.
It works great combined with other localization plugins like Smart Localization and others, that are specialized in localizing your game's texts and assets.
Platform supportFor now, platform support is limited to iOS and Android. We would like to offer support for more platforms in the future. We welcome your feedback!