Wotan Design Powerful splat map + vertex color painter.
- Easy to use
- Quick start
- 2 Shaders type included (by texture mask and by vertex color mask)
- 1 pass for rendering (vertex paint mask works with Unity Batching)
- Customizable shader (choose all what you need blending)
- Paint with tiled textures (PBR) on the mesh
- Works in deferred and forward
- Distance based tessellation shaders
- Height map interpolation shading
- Using texture mask for blending (VERY HIGH blending resolution on low poly models, for example - quad mesh)
- Using vertex color for blending (with static batching for different painted objects for HIGH PERFORMANCE)
- Combine vertex painted meshes with Simple Mesh Combiner (included) for HIGH PERFORMANCE
- Editor perfomance (using compute shader for painting)
Main shader including:
- 4 albedo maps (with tint for each)
- 4 normal maps (with normal scale for each)
- 4 specular maps (with smoothness and tint for each)
- 4 emission maps (with tint)
- 4 displacement maps (with displacement scale and tint-offset)
- 4 UV tiling options (one tiling option for each maps pack) + 1 UV tiling option for mask
So you can use 20 tiled textures (in 4 layers) as maximum for painting your models in splat map or vertex colors.
Asset including
- Painter editor
- Brushes pack
- 2 tiled pbr textures as example
- Shaders:
- Mesh Combiner (F7 hotkey), Mesh Saver, some editor utils (sorting in hierarchy by activeself, alphabet, material, MeshRenderer selector)
Requires DX11, SM 5.0.
You can blend separate maps or tints. For example if you need just paint albedo by color, or specular-smoothness (for wetness effect), you can do this by toggle checkboxes.
Right now support only opaque objects.
Import take a some time, because there are too many shader variants and its need to be compiled.
IMPORTANT! Check "Animated Materials" in scene view options.
Readme included.