Smart Slicer 2D is a powerful tool to modify 2D objects that are using 2D Colliders.
Demos | Play WebGL Demo | Download Android DemoSupport | Unity Forum Thread | Discord (over 400 members)DocumentationRoadmapDemo VideoFeaturesâ— Flawless Customer Support (Unity 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
â— 10 Demo scenes
â— 4 Game scenes
â— New Merger2D allows to merge shapes
â— Mobile friendly (optimized)
â— Sprite Slicer (sprite sheet is supported)
â— Joints Slicer (destroy joints)
â— Multi Touch Support
â— Shape Comparison in percent
â— 2D Terrain Destruction
â— Supports concave & convex colliders with holes
â— Supports multiple joints attached to sliceable objects
â— Uses Box, Circle, Capsule, Polygon colliders
â— Outlined Sprites & 2D Meshes
â— Slice Particle Effects
â— Slice Sound Effects
â— Multiple controllers & Slicer2D components
â— In-depth Slice Event Handling (contains information about the slice)
â— Slice Layers
â— Full C# Code API
â— 2D Geometry Helper API
â— Easy to setup (programming is not a necessity)
â— Custom input control (AI programming)
Slicing Typesâ— Linear Trail Slicer (using TrailRenderer)
â— Linear slice (using 2 points)
â— Linear Cut slice (using 2 points and width)
â— Linear Tracked Slicer (attach slice to the game objects)
â— Complex Trail Slicer (using TrailRenderer)
â— Complex Slice (using points list)
â— Complex Cut Slice (using points list & width)
â— Complex Click Slice (adding points by clicking mouse)
â— Complex Tracked Slice (attach slice to the game objects)
â— Point Slice (point position & rotation)
â— Polygon Slice (cut-out a polygon)
â— Explode object
â— Create Slice (draw a polygon to create)
â— Merge Complex Slice
â— Merge Polygon
â— & more stuff to play with!
If you have any questions or issues,
please mail
simonas@kuzmickas.ltFeel free to contact me!